
Dictators In Disguise
Idea / The image of Mao Zedong in the background illustrates how cruel leaders try to disguise themselves behind the shadow of their devilish deeds while innocent people's blood, which is represented by red stains, will always blemish dictators' image. The vertical dashed line is an illustration of totalitarian Chinese regime dissociating itself from this massacre. The label on the skin of victims is a satirical reference to how the Chinese government prides itself on its organ harvesting business to the extend of marking defenseless people's organs with their country of origin - 'MADE IN CHINA' . To fight this brutality a QR code, which is linked to a video containing information on organ transplant industry in China, is added to raise people and recipients' awareness about the origin of organs. It is our responsibility to support this movement, in the hope of seeing justice and equality in the world…