
 Beauty and horror

Beauty and horror

Idea / This photography was made by fashion designer Marie Copps and photographer Patrik Jandák before Olympic games in Beijing 2008. The Beuty try to stop a chinese doctor, to not forcibly remove an organ from a Falun Gong practitioner. The Beauty symbolizes traditional Chinese culture, so she is dressed in a dress designed by Marie Copps, which are inspired by traditional Chinese culture. I am sending this photo with courtesy from Marie Copps and will represent her. If poster win some award, we use money to finance creating of a comic book telling the story of organ harvest investigation. Milan

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Evidence of Investigations into Recordings of Hospitals Nationwide




SMGネットワーク 台灣國際器官移植關懷協會 KAEOT(한국장기이식윤리협회)




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