
 Red Wound /SeriesX3  Red Wound /SeriesX3  Red Wound /SeriesX3

Red Wound /SeriesX3

Idea / The combination of Ideology, Oppression and Trade will certainly have catastrophic consequences.

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Evidence of Investigations into Recordings of Hospitals Nationwide


Judge Comments
Seymour Chwast
Seymour Chwast
Hello, my name is Seymour Chwast, I was pleased to participate in the judging of the 2020 international poster competition. The theme of the poster was a very serious one, and the posters I judged …we’ve sighted this: “If I were designing the poster, I would find it difficult to find the right kind of visual looks that would help me find the right solution to this. It is tough.” And while we look for the right solution, we have to make sure that we don’t do something that’s so obvious as a cliché, something that’s been used so many times that it loses its effectiveness. Visceral reaction to the design that I am writing about, it started to mean winning when it came up among the other posters, but I realized that it was a very strong poster, and really… was a good solution. We can all feel the person who goes to this, the operation, pictured here. I don’t know whether the lack of text here was deliberated but knowing this doesn’t matter. It was all that we needed, and what we saw is both beautiful and awful, this is at the same time, the realistic representation in this poster is perfect, thank you.
Hoseob Yoon
Hoseob Yoon
Among them, in my opinion, 「Red Wound」 was excellent, expressing 3 characteristics of the topic explicitly with a post-operative stitched, while maintaining a good balance between artistic form and criticism. This time while participating as a judge, I would like to share the article. A German poet who lived in around 1700s and 1800s wrote, “There is only one temple in this universe, and that is the human body.” (Note:trading the body of another person is a crime that destroys the Hall of God)



SMGネットワーク 台灣國際器官移植關懷協會 KAEOT(한국장기이식윤리협회)




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