
《活摘內臟殺人法》 The Murder Bible/SeriesX2 《活摘內臟殺人法》 The Murder Bible/SeriesX2

《活摘內臟殺人法》 The Murder Bible/SeriesX2

Idea / 在電影《The Shawshank Redemption》當中,Andy Dufresne用來挖鑿逃獄隧道的鋤頭,被完美地藏在的聖經裡,象徵救贖。 然而,強摘活人器官對中共來說,似乎也是造就一門好生意的解答。因此,我們將手術刀放進一本名為《活摘內臟殺人法》的書中,反諷式地呈現制止活摘器官的議題。整齊乾淨的畫面與看似荒謬卻是真實的文字形成對比,更加凸顯此議題的嚴重性。 In the movie ”The Shawshank Redemption”, the hammer used by Andy Dufresne to escape the cage was perfectly hidden in the Bible and the Bible as motif in the movie represented as salvation and freedom. Live organ harvesting is a lucrative business for Chinese Communist Party. Therefore, we put scalpel in the book named “The Murder Bible: Live organ harvesting” so as to scoffingly portray the conflict the issue. The neat scenery with the absurd lexical contents emphasizes the severity of the issue.

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