
Stop organ harvesting and sales in China/SeriesX4 Stop organ harvesting and sales in China/SeriesX4 Stop organ harvesting and sales in China/SeriesX4 Stop organ harvesting and sales in China/SeriesX4

Stop organ harvesting and sales in China/SeriesX4

Idea / The poster uses a barcode to indicate the sale of organs in China (code 690, which is specific to China), and the stars that appear at the bottom of the poster indicate the fall of the Chinese government. In my view, the government has adopted a dirty policy. It imposes its organs on its people, violates their human rights, and as humanity has fallen, such a state is doomed to fall and be destroyed.

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Evidence of Investigations into Recordings of Hospitals Nationwide




SMGネットワーク 台灣國際器官移植關懷協會 KAEOT(한국장기이식윤리협회)




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