
Personal Organ Shopper

Personal Organ Shopper

Idea / The poster, <Personal Organ Shopper>, is based on the two biggest problems with organ transplantation in China. The first is that China runs a system that finds organs just right for patients, and this is an anti-human crime. I thought this was similar to the 'personal shopper' who sells products just right for customers. The second is that the system is a state-led project. Many experts have considered that prisoners of conscience during the suppression of Falun Gong are victims of organ transplantations. So, on the poster, the appearance of the "personal organ shopper" bears a metaphorical representation of the then Chinese government. (The images of the receipts and organs displayed on the hanger, which are incidental elements of the poster, were used to satirize Chinese organ transplantation through ‘personal shopper’.)

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