
Rorschach Organ/SeriesX3 Rorschach Organ/SeriesX3 Rorschach Organ/SeriesX3

Rorschach Organ/SeriesX3

Idea / ONE. Rorschach organ: This first proposal is represented as spots (organs), which are characterized by their double meaning and disorder, a vision of multiple questions and answers, from this structure the hypothesis about the psychic functioning of each person an encounter between good and evil. TWO. Knife organ: In this second proposal it is represented by a multipurpose knife of common use with several functions that includes several tools, the most important are the surgeon's scissors and scalpels, these accessories are kept inside the handle so that they are not seen or hidden from brutality and cruelty. THREE. Emblem organ: In this third proposal it is represented by an offer of products (organs) as in a supermarket, the star offers of the day are the most important, a satire regarding the profits that could have been obtained, they became the "black hands" behind This atrocity and darkness

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Evidence of Investigations into Recordings of Hospitals Nationwide




SMGネットワーク 台灣國際器官移植關懷協會 KAEOT(한국장기이식윤리협회)




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