
Call superhero Call superhero Call superhero

Call superhero

Idea / In addition to the forced labor of Xinjiang cotton in the Xinjiang concentration camps, there is also the more evil "forced organ harvesting" going on behind the scenes. It would be great if there were superheroes in this world. In China, it is illegal for Christians to assemble in private, and they are often arrested, tortured, and even forced to have their organ harvested. It would be great if there were superheroes in this world. Falun Gong was the main group of forced organ harvesting in China from 1999 to 2006. Now the target has gradually shifted to other disadvantaged groups. Muslims in Xinjiang are one of them. It would be great if there were superheroes in this world. Just speak up for them, you are their superhero! #Demon Slayer #Iron Man #Son Goku #Uyghurs #Christians #Falun Gong #Genocide

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Evidence of Investigations into Recordings of Hospitals Nationwide




SMGネットワーク 台灣國際器官移植關懷協會 KAEOT(한국장기이식윤리협회)




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