
A National Agony
Honorable Mention

A National Agony

Idea / This poster sets out to depict the gruesome act of live organ harvesting in China by making use of China's national flag. Through this, the current poster aims at illustrating this deed as a vial act that must be confronted nationally, and even internationally.

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Evidence of Investigations into Recordings of Hospitals Nationwide


Judge Comments
Piero Di Biase
Piero Di Biase
Speaking of your poster, I personally like the way you used the imagery of the flag to create this poster, making the concept seem very powerful, direct and easy to understand. Of course it also adds a moderate amount of irony to your poster. I personally think the only weakness of your work is that the typography is a little too classical.You could actually be a little more expressive and use some stronger techniques, probably. I hope my advice is useful to you and I wish you well in your design career.



SMGネットワーク 台灣國際器官移植關懷協會 KAEOT(한국장기이식윤리협회)




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